Types of psoriasis - photo of the disease

Little girl hides psoriasis

Psoriasis is a fairly common dermatological disease, characterized by severe scaling and itching of the affected skin. There are many types of this disease. The most common types of psoriasis should be considered in detail, and these lesions can also be seen in the photo.

Causes of the disease

The disease is usually chronic. It is developed for the following reasons:

  1. Weaken the immune system. Abnormal immune processes lead to thickening of the skin, as a result of which the chronic form of the disease begins to develop gradually.
  2. genetic predisposition. The probability of skin damage is quite high if at least one of the parents suffers from psoriasis.
  3. Nervous disorders and emotional disorders. This is one of the most serious factors in the development of this skin disease.
  4. Hormonal imbalance. Pathological changes in the endocrine system give an initial impetus to the appearance of the first signs of psoriasis.
  5. Disruption of metabolic processes in the body. This is due to a lack of vitamins and other nutrients.
  6. The presence of parasitic diseases. The toxic substances with which the human body poisons various types of helminths can cause skin damage.

Modern medicine has not yet discovered the exact cause of this pathology.Back psoriasisVery often, experts find the relationship between immune system disorders and psoriatic rashes.

Symptoms of the disease

As already mentioned, there are many types of this dermatological disease. Depending on this, the patient may have different symptoms. The most common forms of psoriasis and their signs should be considered in more detail.

Psoriasis vulgaris

Represents the appearance of plaques with white scales. The affected skin becomes inflamed and changes color. These plaques gradually increase in size, the scales exfoliate over time. Psoriasis on the hands may not have scaly formations, especially in the folds. In these places, the skin becomes red, severe itching and burning appear. Groin psoriasis develops in the same way. Body psoriasis vulgaris can affect most of the skin.

Psoriasis tear

This form of the disease got its name from the droplet shape of the convex psoriatic eruptions. They have a purplish red hue. Gouty neoplasms usually spread to the back, abdomen and affect almost all parts of the body. They cause intense itching, especially during periods of exacerbation.Pustular psoriasisMost often, this form of the disease develops as a result of infectious diseases.

Pustular psoriasis: photo

This type of psoriasis is the appearance of small growths filled with clear fluid. The skin around these peculiar pimples becomes inflamed and bright red. It is subject to rapid peeling, which causes painful sensations. Often this form of the disease manifests itself on the nail plates. The appearance of pustular psoriasis can be seen in the photo.

Arthropathic psoriasis

It develops gradually, the initial stage of this disease can pass without any symptoms. Joint and muscle tissues are damaged. As the patient develops, he begins to feel unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the affected joints, stiffness of movements is observed, especially after waking up. The skin in the affected area becomes inflamed and red. The joints of the upper and lower extremities are most often affected by psoriatic osteoarthritis.

Palmar-plantar psoriasis

This is a fairly common form of the disease. It is characterized by damage to palms and soles. Solid foci with sharp edges appear in these places. Constant dryness and flaking of the skin can lead to cracking. In such situations, extreme caution should be exercised, as infection of the resulting wounds can occur. Early psoriasisThe skin in the affected area becomes hard and rough.

Early Stage Psoriasis: Photo

How does the development of this pathology begin? This disease in the initial stage can be asymptomatic. Small pink patches usually appear. The surface of the skin on them remains smooth and shiny. After a couple of days, the plates are covered with small scales, the itching in the affected areas begins to bother. These scales easily move away from the plates, under them the skin looks inflamed. This process is called punctate psoriasis.

Psoriasis in children

This disease can even occur in newborns. It is always accompanied by painful sensations in the affected areas, after which severe itching appears. The most often formed plaques crack, slight bleeding begins. This process is called capillary psoriasis. The danger of the form lies in the possible infection of the wounds formed in the child.

Psoriasis on the head: photo

It is not uncommon to find scalp damage with this condition. With an advanced form of such an injury, the hair falls out and stops growing. The location of foci can be observed in such places of the head:

  • psoriasis behind the ears;
  • in the occipital region and on the forehead;
  • Psoriasis on the head
  • psoriasis on the neck;
  • on the scalp.

A head condition is usually accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • slight flaking with itching and irritation;
  • inflammation in the affected area;
  • scratching sore spots causes damage;
  • the skin gradually becomes coarser and thicker;
  • dandruff on the scalp;
  • the skin is very susceptible to severe trauma;
  • the itching increases every day.

Advanced psoriasis - photo

An advanced form of the disease can have dangerous consequences. In addition to psoriatic osteoarthritis, a person can develop the following pathologies:

  • heart and blood vessel dysfunction;
  • ischemic disease;
  • stroke;
  • Advanced form of psoriasis
  • cardiac arrhythmia.

The patient begins to feel such ailments:

  • the inflamed skin is purple;
  • general weakness of the body;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • heart palpitations;
  • lack of appetite until its complete loss;
  • weakness in muscles and joints.

With an advanced form of the disease, a significant area of ​​the skin is affected. The patient feels constant weakness and fatigue. Therefore, it is very important to start treatment early.

Consequences of the disease

It's no secret that psoriatic rashes significantly impair the quality of everyday life. The affected person may have the following psychophysiological problems:

  • fear of playing sports;
  • the need to constantly hide his illness;
  • self-confidence gradually disappears;
  • development of a chronic depressive state;
  • problems with the opposite sex, a person begins to avoid intimacy with a loved one.

Also, in some cases, this pathology negatively affects the choice of a person's professional activity.

Therefore, the disease has a negative impact not only on physical health, but also on psycho-emotional state. At the first signs of psoriasis, you should contact a specialist for help. He will prescribe the most effective treatment, help to get rid of the rash as soon as possible.